This is the ideal block for bench, lab, small OBI punch and brake presses.

Popular for both press and in-die applications, the HEX Jr. features a 5/8 Ø" ACME thread and is available for use with loads up to 6 tons and maximum openings of 12".


I have dealt with Metal Form Products Co Ltd. since 2011, during which time they have provided KI Pembroke LP with excellent support in the areas of press control, machine guarding, press feeding equipment and general safety equipment supply and support. Their work has been a major factor in the success of our Machine Upgrade Program, helping us to continue working towards upgrading all of our shop equipment to OHSA and CSA compliance. Metal Form Products Co. Ltd. has been a solid and rel...

Michael Kelly
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Metal Form Products
Co. Ltd.

6-1734 Orangebrook Court
Pickering, Ontario, L1W 3G8

TELEPHONE : (1) 905-831-1111

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EMAIL : sales@metalform.ca